county of santa clara
Disparity Study

MGT Consulting has prepared the Santa Clara County draft disparity study report.  The Executive Summary Final Draft, Disparity Study Final Draft, and Appendices Final Draft are available for public review.  The County will invite businesses to a presentation of the disparity study findings on Monday, April 8th at 1:00 pm PDT.  Register to attend here.

The County of Santa Clara and MGT Consulting hosted a virtual presentation of the draft Disparity Study on Monday, April 8, 2024.  The presentation contained an overview of the study’s findings, remedies, and next steps for the County.  You can view the full meeting here.


聖塔克拉拉縣(以下簡稱「縣府」)已經開始了由 MGT 顧問集團領導的第一次全面的差異研究。差異研究將評估本縣的採購和承包,並將在法院裁決確立的加州法律架構下進行。縣府的意圖是收集基線數據,以界定縣府承包商或者分包商的不同企業之間,多元化企業的可取得性與利用的任何差異。縣府致力於確定導致任何已識別差異的因素,包括但不限於現有政策、流程、技術和計劃。此研究將進一步透過策略方法來加強本縣的推廣工作,以導正任何已確定的差異。

1989 年,最高法院在Richmond市起訴 JA Croson Co 案件中裁定,根據平等保護條款,該市的「少數族裔企業利用計劃」違憲。這個具有指標意義的案例表明,州和地方以種族為基準的計劃必須堅持「嚴格審查」,其中承認以下幾點:

  • 政府實體必須證明:種族分類是為實現令人信服的政府利益,而量身定製的。
  • 可以建立以種族為基準的補救計劃,以糾正其管轄範圍內已確定的、系統的、過去的種族歧視的影響。 



此外,加州選民於1996年批准了第 209 號提案,該提案修訂了加州憲法,以禁止在公職招聘、公共教育與公共合約承包時,根據種族、性別、膚色、民族或國籍的歧視或偏袒。



此外我們也強烈鼓勵少數族裔、女性、殘障退伍軍人和多元性向 (LGBT) 族群 擁有的企業,集體參與多元化的商業企業 (DIV-BE)。




At any point during the Study, business owners, both diverse business enterprises (DIV-BE) and non-DIV-BE, may submit their comments, in English, Chinese (Mandarin), Filipino, Korean, Spanish, and Vietnamese regarding their experiences doing business, or attempting to do business, with the County by:


MGT Consulting Group hosted five virtual public engagement meetings that presented the Study’s objectives and gathered feedback from business owners on their experiences doing business or attempting to do business, with the County of Santa Clara or their prime vendors. These meetings were open to the public. Input gathered during the public engagement meetings and any written comments will be analyzed as the basis for recommendations to provide potential modifications to the procurement processes.


Businesses in all procurement categories and business owner classifications are invited to participate in in-depth interviews and business surveys. The interviews are opportunities for businesses to have one-on-one discussions with the MGT team regarding their experiences doing business or attempting to do business, with the County of Santa Clara or prime vendors contracted by the County. The business surveys gather information on business demographics, capacity, and experiences doing business with the County. Donaldson Enterprises and SkyBase 7 are currently contacting businesses to participate in the anecdotal research for the study. 

Businesses are invited to contribute their experiences doing business or attempting to do business on County contracts/projects.  Sign up for an in-depth interview to speak one-on-one with our team.  Your feedback will assist MGT in potential recommendations for the County’s procurement process that could help your business.

通過電子郵件、語音信箱或網站提交的意見都是保密的,只會發送給 MGT 顧問團隊。


差異研究聯繫表格 – 本表格並非由聖塔克拉拉縣府維護,所有提交的內容都會直接交給 MGT 顧問公司。

您可以使用此表格以英文、 中文、菲律賓文、韓文、西班牙文和越南文提交關於您與聖塔克拉拉縣往來經驗的書面評論。請詳細說明您與縣府或縣府的主要承包商/供應商往來業務,或嘗試開展業務的經驗。請在評論中具體說明所涉及的實體,以及您分享經驗的時間和地點。

Company Owner’s Race: Pacific Islander
Company Owner’s Race: not listed